

On the Outside, Looking In

I remember feeling “on the outside looking in” when as a child and teenager, I wasn’t allowed to try out for cheerleader; attend the Prom; wear lipstick and jewelry; date boys outside our own church; participate in Junior Theatre when singled out by my teacher to do so; join a girl-scout troop to which all my friends belonged, and had invited me; and had to take an “excuse” from gym class on the days when square-dancing was taught. I recall feeling plain….different… oh sure, considered smart, talented, and witty… but not “in.”

I gladly would have swapped the prestige of being on Student Council and President’s Cabinet; the first-place ribbons at National Forensic League competitions; the pride of being described as a star example for my Speech Class to follow… for JUST ONE DAY of slinking sexily down the halls of East Nashville High School in Melbrey Dalton’s saddle oxfords. Melbrey, easily voted “prettiest girl in the class”, would never make the debating team or be selected to sing in the school’s Ensemble, and probably couldn’t even spell “forensics.” But standing by the army-green locker of cool, blonde football captain, Richard Egrin, in her glued-to-the-curves navy wool skirt almost touching the pastel angora sox; flashing dark eyes with thick, mascared lashes; and very red cupid lips cracking juicy-fruit with abandon, she laughed and flirted and snuggled with her “steady”. Did I say, “Just one day”?? I’d have traded my soul for just 10 minutes of such utter bliss and ultimate fulfillment!

Easter is never again having to feel “on the outside looking in.”